San Diego Fair Housing Council Hosts Conference and Gospel Inspired Play “Crowns”

Barbara R. Arnwine.

Celebrating 50 years of the The Fair Housing Act, On February 14-16, San Diego Fair Housing Council will host its 25th annual Fair Housing Laws and Litigation Conference.

The event will host a day of plenary sessions and discussions on Hate Crimes-Education and prevention., which include Hate Crimes, Historical Hate Groups, Definitions of and Understanding the Differences.  This session will also highlight some historical development of hate groups in America. The discussion will review federal and state fair housing and other laws that have been passed to address and respond to hate crimes with preventive and enforcement forces.

The event is offering  a FREE pre-conference program on Wednesday, February 14.  For more information click here.

In celebration of Black History Month, on Thursday, February 15, at 6:30  PM Fair Housing Council is hosting the exuberant gospel-style musical “Crowns,” written by playwright Regina Taylor. The production will be held at the Town and Country Hotel San Diego, located at 500 Hotel Circle North.  Reception prior to the show will include: Lite Refreshments, No-Host-Bar.    See flyer below.

Pictured on the left is Barbara R. Arnwine, president and founder of Transformative Justice Coalition, an organization that is internationally renowned for contributions on critical justice issues including the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the 2006 reauthorization of provisions of the Voting Rights Act. Barbara is one of this years speakers.




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